Automated Storage and Retrieval System incl. Warehouse software
Hier sehen Sie die vollständige Anfrage Automated Storage and Retrieval System incl. Warehouse software, eingegangen am 29.05.2011.
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Anfrage | Automated Storage and Retrieval System incl. Warehouse software vom 29.05.2011 |
Text zur Anfrage | ASRS with integrated Forensic Information Host System, UAE (Neubau eines voll-automatischen Hochregallagers fuer forensische Beweisstuecke der Polizei, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate) Dear Ma'ams and Sirs, We are a construction company and look for a price for manufacturing, supply and installation of an automated storage and retrieval system including all hard & software and including a Forensic Information Host System for a project located in the United Arab Emirates. If you are interested in the above, please contact us for further detailed specifications and enquiry. Thank you. Regards Eng. T. Hannemann Raslan General Contracting Est. P.O.Box 47430 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel 00971-24435502 e-mail |
Menge | Komplettes Warenlager System |
ca. Auftragswert | 6 bis 8 millionen euro |
erforderlicher Liefertermin | ab Auftrag 8 Monate bis zur Inbe |
Versandart | Aufbau durch Hersteller |
Angebot bis | Antwort Voranfrage 5 Tage |